New ideas and high technologies, as well as leadership in engineering design and production of lubricants are the main concept of our company.
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- substitutions or development of new equivalents for almost any expensive lubricant from the world's leading manufactures

- new lubricants created to your specifications

- new lubricants for sale under your brand name


Anti-seize and assembly greases and pastes
    1. Tomflon AS-50 (-50°C to +160°C): A premium, synthetic, food grade, anti-seize paste. It was engineered as a lubricating and assembly paste for machines used in the food processing and pharma­ceutical industries. Besides Tomflon AS-50 can be used for sliding bearings and sliding surfaces that are subject to high com-pressive loads made of dry metal/metal and plastic/plastic combinations, and also combinations of metal and oil-resistant rubber.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    2. Tomflon ASH-250 (-20°C to +250°C): Light-colored, solid lubricant paste used in the assembly and fitting of a wide range of components. Tomflon ASH-250 combines the benefits of wide operating temperature range with excellent anti-fretting properties. It contains no lead, nickel, sulphur or chlorine.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    3. Tomflon CU-250 (-10°C to +250 and as dry lubrication to +1100°C): A heavy-duty industrial anti-seize and lubricating paste containing very finely divided copper particles in a special semi-synthetic carrier. Tomflon CU-250 provides a protective film that seals and protects metal parts even under the most extreme conditions of heat, pressure, steam and saltwater exposure.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    4. Tomflon Moly-400 (-10°C to +250 and as dry lubrication to +400°C): An assembly moly paste with a high concentration of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Provides superior extreme pressure properties, high-load bearing capabilities, very low coefficient of friction, protects against corrosion, water resistance, and has excellent oxidation and mechanical stability.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

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