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- substitutions or development of new equivalents for almost any expensive lubricant from the world's leading manufactures

- new lubricants created to your specifications

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Chemical resistant PTFE greases
    1. Tomflon PFPE-260 (-20°C to +260°C): Fully fluorinated oxygen compatible grease for the lubrication of ball, roll and glide bearings at high temperatures. Tomflon PFPE-260 is superior resistance to chemicals, solvents and pure oxygen. It is used in electric motors, driers, calendars, conveyors, laminate presses, kiln carts, tyre moulds, baking machinery, fans, vacuum pumps, liquid oxygen pumps, oxygen machines and valves. Tomflon PFPE-260 is also suitable for the lubrica­tion of contacts in high-voltage switches.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    2. Tomflon PMS-200 (-50°C to +200°C): White food grade silicone grease that combines the benefits of wide operating temperature range, excellent chemical resistance and good water washout resistance. It is suitable for applications in food, woodworking, chemical, textile and paper industry.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    3. Tomflon CHR-150 (-40°C to +160°C): Chemical resistant grease is designed for lubrication of ball, roll and glide bearings working in contacts with concentrated inorganic acidities and their steams, many other chemical active matters (alkalis, alcohols, amines etc.). Tomflon CHR-150 may be used for sealing and prevention of seizing of thread connections in aggressive environments.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

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